WOTC Piggy-Back Credits: Do They Apply to You?

WOTC, the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, is a point-of-hire tax incentive provided by the federal government that rewards businesses for hiring employees from certain target groups. These groups of people constantly face employment barriers and have traditionally held high unemployment rates. If you hire an applicant who qualifies for WOTC, you may receive a reduction…

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Tax Relief for When Disaster Strikes

The start of summer also marks the beginning of hurricane season for the south and eastern parts of the United States and the start of wildfire season in western parts of the United States. While no one ever wishes that disaster strikes, there’s always the possibility. For those who have had the misfortune of dealing…

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Ways to Go Green and Save Your Business Money

Making your business environmentally friendly isn’t just good for the Earth it may also be good around tax time. That’s because the IRS has a lot of tax credits and deductions in place for businesses that make an effort to go green and encourage their employees to do the same. Encourage Bicycling to Work Under…

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