WOTC By The Numbers
Here’s a brief look at the WOTC certifications to date for 2020. Over 1.6 million certifications were issued for 2020. 1.1 million certifications were issued for SNAP recipients. This accounts for just over 68% of all certified groups. The smallest target groups were the summer youth recipients, which none were certified and the disabled veterans…
Read articleEarn Credit for Hiring Unemployment Recipient
There’s no doubt that COVID has dealt the nation’s economy a tough blow. Case in point are the sheer number of jobless claims made nationwide since the pandemic began. Just five months ago, unemployment sat around three to four percent. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in June, states’ unemployment numbers averaged more…
Read articleFalse Claims Act – How it Could Affect Your PPP Claim
When the CARES Act was announced, it ignited a glimmer of hope within the small business community. Many companies were either closed or saw their revenue drop drastically as a result of the novel coronavirus. But hope quickly disappeared as major corporations found a way to access the money that was meant for America’s small…
Read articleWhy It is Better to Hire a Tax Credit Specialist than Do It Yourself
When we talk to potential clients, sometimes they ask us why a tax credit specialist is something they need. It is a great question. After all, they are usually already paying for a CPA and this is just an added financial expense. What we tell them is that a tax credit specialist is something completely…
Read articleTax Deadline Extension FAQ’s
As I am sure you know by now, the 2019 tax deadline has been extended to July 15, 2020. We here at Tax Credit Group get a lot of questions about what that means for our clients and their taxes. So now seems like a great time to pull some of those answers together and…
Read articleAlternatives to Employee Layoffs
Businesses around the world are hurting right now and many business owners are struggling with the dilemma of whether to layoff employees now or try to ride things out with the hope that they’ll get better. It’s an unenviable decision. For most employers, these people are like a second family and it’s not easy to…
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