Understanding State Tax Incentive Programs

The Importance of Corporate Incentive Programs It is common for local, state and federal government entities to offer tax incentive programs to recruit businesses to designated enterprise zones (also called empowerment zones) to stimulate growth. Additionally, in many states, employers are provided opportunities to participate in programs that support the economic development within their community…

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WOTC By The Numbers

Here’s a brief look at the WOTC certifications to date for 2020. Over 1.6 million certifications were issued for 2020. 1.1 million certifications were issued for SNAP recipients. This accounts for just over 68% of all certified groups. The smallest target groups were the summer youth recipients, which none were certified and the disabled veterans…

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Earn Credit for Hiring Unemployment Recipient

There’s no doubt that COVID has dealt the nation’s economy a tough blow. Case in point are the sheer number of jobless claims made nationwide since the pandemic began. Just five months ago, unemployment sat around three to four percent.  According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in June, states’ unemployment numbers averaged more…

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How to Observe Memorial Day with Veterans

On the last Monday of May, Americans observe Memorial Day. But the purpose of Memorial Day is often lost on a large part of the American public. According to a 2019 survey conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of the University of Phoenix, only 55 percent of Americans know the true meaning of Memorial Day. What…

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False Claims Act – How it Could Affect Your PPP Claim

When the CARES Act was announced, it ignited a glimmer of hope within the small business community. Many companies were either closed or saw their revenue drop drastically as a result of the novel coronavirus. But hope quickly disappeared as major corporations found a way to access the money that was meant for America’s small…

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