Alternative Motor Vehicle Tax Credits

When it comes to running a business, especially one that relies on transportation, it’s important that you take every advantage you can. It can be financially painful to purchase a new work vehicle every five to ten years and even more painful if you need to purchase more than one vehicle. Luckily, the IRS gives…

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How Spring Cleaning and Tax Deductions Go Hand In Hand

It’s springtime and for many people, that means spring cleaning. However, spring cleaning should not just be for your home, you should also think about extending it to your business. It’s tough to admit that the inventory that’s been gathering dust on your shelf is never going to sell, or the old business equipment that…

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Public Aid Recipients

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is awarded to employers for hiring from ten target groups. Some of the most commonly certified (WOTC) groups are recipients of federal public aid, such as food stamps, family assistance (TANF) or social security. Chances are you’ve hired someone in this category without ever knowing it. Over 19 million…

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Tax Relief for Hurricane Michael & Florence

Do you operate in an area affected by last year’s hurricanes? Do you hire persons in impacted areas? If so, your business may have extra time to submit Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) applications. Under typical circumstances, WOTC program participants have 28 days from new hires’ start dates to apply for the Work Opportunity Tax…

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WOTC Target Groups

Recently we’ve heard from a quite a few people that said they don’t participate in the Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program (WOTC) because they “don’t hire people that would qualify.”  More often than not, after a brief discussion, we were able to discover that they did hire qualified employees.  We’re not sure where the misunderstandings…

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