Why You Need a Professional to Help You Claim Tax Credits
The U.S. Treasury recently issued a report that said that millions of dollars of tax credits have been issued to people who had no right to claim them. The report found that about 7 percent of the taxpayers claiming the Alternative Motor Vehicle Tax Credit, were not filing a claim for qualified electric vehicles. We…
Read articleWhat to Do if Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Comes to Your Business
With the current political climate, many small business owners are concerned that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will pay a visit to their business. Despite their best efforts, small business owners can’t always know what goes on behind the scenes with every employee. Plus, these are co-workers and in many cases friends. Why Would ICE…
Read articleCelebrating National Disability Awareness Month
October is National Disability Awareness Month and it offers the perfect excuse to once again highlight the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC). For many businesses, the WOTC is the easiest tax credit for them to achieve. Basically, the federal government is offering you an incentive for hiring from specific groups like veterans, persons with disabilities…
Read articleTranslating Military Experience to the Civilian Job Market
When you leave the military, it’s sometimes difficult to figure out how the experiences that you had during your service relate to the civilian job market. It’s tough to explain to someone that retiring as a Master Sergeant in the Army you have proved that you had the work ethic, the ability to lead, and…
Read articleWhat You Need to Know About the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
Here at the Tax Credit Group, we spend a lot of time talking about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, also known as the WOTC, and what it does. We talk about it so much that it often gets ingrained in our speech and we sometimes forget that other people don’t know what it is or…
Read articleTop 5 Job Categories for Veterans
Once their years of service are over, many veterans are still young enough to enter the workforce, and start a second career. But figuring out what that second career is can be tough. Here are five jobs categories that have plenty of opportunities for veterans Operations Manager According to the site GI Jobs, Military Friendly…
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