Employment taxes

Understanding State Tax Incentive Programs

The Importance of Corporate Incentive Programs It is common for local, state and federal government entities to offer tax incentive programs to recruit businesses to designated enterprise zones (also called empowerment zones) to stimulate growth. Additionally, in many states, employers are provided opportunities to participate in programs that support the economic development within their community…

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The Best and Worst States when it Comes to Taxes

There are a lot of factors to consider when you begin to establish your business and one factor that is often overlooked is the effect state taxes will have on your business’s bottom line. Sometimes businesses forget that in addition to those federal taxes, they also have to pay state taxes and often local city…

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President Signs Disaster Tax Relief Bill

  In the last three months, US residents were devastated and are now faced with recovering from the impact of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, with Harvey being one of the most powerful in recent history. As we all know after such devastation, it is vital to a community to get back to operational as…

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WOTC Renewal Update

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) program scored a big victory this week. On 7/21/15, the Senate Finance Committee voted 23-3 to pass a two-year extension of this important program. This means that the bill is now ready for a full Senate vote. Although this is only the first step,  the near-unanimous support for WOTC…

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Kentucky Employment Tax Incentives

Corporations located in Kentucky may not be aware that they have state tax credits available to them in addition to the federal credits offered from WOTC. Hiring an unemployed resident could qualify you for as much as $100 for each eligible individual. Businesses can qualify if their new hires are certified by the Office of…

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